New New Star Wars: The Force Awakens Footage, Because It’s Friday
Maybe the Force should hit snooze for a bit.
OK, so not everyone is a blogger whose job it literally is to seek out and watch all of this new footage immediately, and for those lucky people, the marketing blitz is probably pretty unobtrusive, but this is starting to feel like a daily occurrence for us. … OK, fine, we still love it. What? Shut up.
Things to look for this time around:
Dialogue between the first teaser’s voice and Kylo Ren, it seems.
Kylo Ren Force pushing Poe Dameron.
Something hitting that stormtrooper with the fancy anti-lightsaber weapon pretty hard. (Maybe Han’s blaster?) No match for a good blaster at your side, I guess.
And a few more snippets. Enjoy!
(via CBR)
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