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Doctor Who Cast Will Not Be Making Appearances at SDCC This Year

Wibbly Wobbly Womp Womp.

doctor who comic conSan Diego Comic-Con is an overwhelming time for many a nerd. So many panels to attend! So many booths to visit! So many fandoms to emotionally invest in! But good news for some of you: it might be a little less stressful for Whovians this year, because you won’t have to wait in long lines for a Doctor-themed panel. The bad news is that it’s because there won’t be one.

Steven Moffat’s naysayers will probably remember that last year, the Doctor Who show runner attempted to rein in any possible leaks of the exclusive trailers from the panel by more or less threatening never to return to SDCC. However, it doesn’t seem like this absence has anything to do with the actions of any transgressive fans. More likely it’s because the cast and crew simply don’t have time to take a break from filming the new episodes, which are set to return in August. I don’t know about you guys, but I’ll take a hiatus-free season of Who over a bunch of SDCC panel interviews any day.

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But all is not lost for those who want to see the Doctor Who cast live and in person. As we have previously reported, Peter Capaldi, Jenna Coleman, and Moffat (though he will only be able to attend in select cities) are set to embark on the “largest ever promotional undertaking in Doctor Who’s 50-year history” after the episodes are completed. So if you live in or around one of those eight cities, then you’re in luck! You might be able to go to some kind of panel after all.

And if you are going to San Diego Comic-Con and need to know which celebrities you’re going to be flailing at? Don’t worry: if Mark Ruffalo is to be believed, the Avengers are going to attend, and there’ll probably be a lot of attention paid to the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy film as well. So you’ll probably be set for the whole weekend. Happy flailing!

(via, image via ktbuffy)

Previously in Doctor Who

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