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We’re Not Getting Any More Ser Pounce in Game Of Thrones

They will presumably be replacing all of his scenes with more rapes that did not happen in the books.


Bad news for fans of  Ser Pounce, the adorable cat who broke the tension in that very awkward scene between Margaerey and Tommen in last week’s episode of Game of Thrones: he’s not going to appear in any of the upcoming six episodes of this season, according to an exclusive report from Vulture. Aw, man.

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Ser Pounce, of course, plays an integral part later on the ASOIAF series when he flees to Amaranthine and takes up a position as the feline companion of Anders the Grey Warde — wait, nope, sorry. That’s Ser Pounce-a-lot from the Dragon Age: Awakening DLC. Totally different fantasy franchise with a Ser Pounce in it. Guys, there are other medieval themed cat puns you can be using.

(via Vulture)

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