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In The Future, RFIDs Will Make You Feel Guilty About that Burrito

Here’s the concept: RFID tags are becoming more and more advanced, and edible RFID tags are already in use in medical fields. Hannes Harms imagines what could happen when this technology makes it on to the dining room table. Harms invisions a unified ecosystem, bringing together computers, mobile devices, and integrated readers into the Nutrismart system.

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These tools would give consumers a far greater knowledge of what their eating. People with dangerous food allergies could avoid potentially deadly dishes with greater ease. Consumers could also see where and how the ingredients for their food were gathered, letting them make smart, sustainable choices about their food. Programs like Seafood Watch, for example, have tried to encourage consumers to eat fish form sustainable sources. Nutrismart could make it far easier to get that information.

But then there’s the dark side, the creepy Orwellian side. Nutrismart can also give you diet advice by keeping a running count of your calories, and the food you intake. You want that cupcake? Think again, sucker. Nutrismart knows you had a 500 calorie burger with lunch, and, by the way, you’ve expended your daily allowance of bacon. Of course, you don’t have to follow Nutrismart’s advice, but I personally find the idea of my food and phone badgering me about my meals a mite distressing.

Judge for yourself, and watch a vide of Nutrismart in action after the jump.

(via Bit Rebels)

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