How To Make Your Own Nyan Cat Scarf
Do Try This At Home
Oct 4th, 2011, 3:30 pm
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I remember, back in the day when my mother and grandmother taught me how to knit and I was so little that I couldn’t make myself a kitty sweater, because whatever size I started making it, I would have outgrown it by the time I finished anyway.
But I was old enough to remember my reaction to learning about crocheting, which was “Wait. I just figured out how to knit, and now you want me to do the same thing with with only one needle?” Needless to say, I kind of wish I’d learned despite those reservations, if only to take advantage of MevvSan’s kit that will teach you how to make a Nyan Cat Scarf.
Well, I suppose there’s still time.
(via Fashionably Geek.)
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