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Onion Smugglers Arrested in Norway, Oddly Not Given Knighthood by Stannis Baratheon

To be fair, Stannis is kind of a dick.


Everyone knows the story of Ser Davos Seaworth (well, everyone who watches Game of Thrones. Anyone who doesn’t is of no importance) — a man born in the wretchedness of King’s Landing’ss Fleabottom ward who ascended to knighthood by way of strategic smuggling. Turns out the Onion Knight has a lot more fans than we all thought.

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As foodie news source and our sister site The Braiser reports, two Polish men were detained in Norway after authorities at the border uncovered hidden crates full of onions and carrots in their truck.

In Norway, you are only allowed to bring 10 kg (or 22 pounds) of vegetables across the border without paying some sort of a tax, so when they discovered 823 kilograms of onions and 143 kilograms of carrots, that was apparently cause for some concern. Davos smuggled onions to feed hungry people during the siege of Storm’s End in Robert’s Rebellion; by contrast, these guys probably just didn’t want to pay for their onions.

Well, the joke’s on them, because they’ve been slapped with what amounts to a $1,600 fine. Could be worse, though. They could have had their fingers cut off. Sure, Seaworth also walked away with more power and respect than a pathetic commoner could ever dream of, but not having to wear your fingers in a little pouch around your neck is pretty great, too.

(via The Braiser and The Local, image via HBO)

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