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Check Out Patton Oswalt’s Animated Parks and Rec Filibuster [Video]

The female part is still pretty underwritten, though.

What’s better than seeing Patton Oswalt’s stunning eight minute pitch for a Star Wars/Marvel Universe/Clash of the Titans film franchise crossover? Seeing it animated for the Nerdist Youtube channel by Daniel Spellman in honor of Geek Week. This is everything I ever wanted in anything.

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Yeah, we know that this isn’t a completely new concept — IlRoyalty and Izac Less have their own animated filibuster videos, too. But there’s just something about the sparkly reality-jumping Thanos in Dan’s version that sits really well with us. Just look at how happy he is to be courting death! Somebody make a Nyan Cat version of that, please. I could literally watch it for hours.

(Youtube via Nerdist)

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