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Dream Come True: Own Your Own AT-ST (For Only 16k!)

Just maybe don't take it to a forest planet, or anywhere with tiny angry bears.


Admit it: your life is lacking something. Your backyard is just a little too empty. The lobby of your office building is just so bare. We both know what you need in your life: an almost-scale replica of an AT-ST that you can stand behind and yell “pew! pew!” at unsuspecting passers-by! Well if you’ve got £9,800 sitting around, today is your lucky day.

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It’s true; you can head over to Ebay right now and pick up this “once in a lifetime” 16-foot Star Wars replica made from “Metal and Wood,” to strike fear into the hearts of your enemies and any potential dates you might have coming up. Sadly, a real AT-ST is supposed to be around 28-feet tall, so it’s unfair to call this a “life-sized” replica; but the seller is sure you can come up with some creative uses for it, regardless. Let’s let the Ebay ad speak for itself:

At over 16ft tall, it really is breath taking to see in the flesh, the photos obviously can’t do it justice! Now imagine seeing it going along a road, towed behind your vehicle, promoting a business! As you’ll see between the legs there is a X-section for stability when driving it along but you can remove that when not moving along.

If you need to drive a long distance to an event, it neatly dismantles in an ingenious way, whereby it puts it’s head between it’s legs, using the built in winch and only takes 2 people! YOU CAN MAKE PLENTY OF MONEY HIRING IT OUT TO PROMOTE BUSINESSES, NIGHT CLUB PROMOTIONS, CONVENTIONS, EVENTS, PHOTO SHOOTS, PARTIES ETC!!! IMAGINE IT PARKED OUTSIDE YOUR OWN BUSINESS LIKE CAR SHOWROOM!!

Frankly, you can forget the chicken walker (it doesn’t even have functional blaster cannons, like, no thanks); I want to be friends with the guy who’s selling it. He has a Hulk and a TARDIS. Clearly this guy knows what’s up.

(via Gizmodo, image via Ebay)

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Sam Maggs
Sam Maggs is a writer and televisioner, currently hailing from the Kingdom of the North (Toronto). Her first book, THE FANGIRL'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY will be out soon from Quirk Books. Sam’s parents saw Star Wars: A New Hope 24 times when it first came out, so none of this is really her fault.

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