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Pathfinder 2e vs DnD 5e: All Differences, Pros, and Cons Explained

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So you wanna be a tabletop gaming nerd, but you’re not sure which subclass of tabletop gaming nerd you wanna be.

Well, at least you’ve got it streamlined down from the many different classes and subclasses of the nerd archetype that exist in the world. You could have been a nerd about UFOs in space. You could have been a nerd about diabolical shonen manga. You could have been a nerd about buying novelty lighters off of eBay. You could have been a nerd about Renaissance Art. You could have been a nerd about books, movies, theater, math, computers, or card games. There are so many things to be a nerd about! And you went and chose the nerdiest one of all.

It’s cool, in multiple senses of the word. Now that Stranger Things and Hollywood have brought DnD into the mainstream, being a tabletop gaming nerd is in vogue now. Sexy even. But which tabletop game shall be the one that you choose to play with all of your new hot friends? The big two are Pathfinder 2E and DnD 5E. Both have their similarities and differences and whichever one is right for you just depends on what kind of nerd you truly are.

So let’s compare and contrast, shall we?

Pathfinder 2E! Where is it good and where does it suck?

Pathfinder 2E was developed by Paizo Inc. and builds upon the legacy of its predecessor, the OG Pathfinder. While it might not have the brand recognition that Dungeons and Dragons enjoys, it’s still the go-to for many hardcore nerds. Let’s explore why.

Pros for the pros:

  1. Customization: Pathfinder cements itself as the clear choice for many pro-nerds due to its extensive array of character customization options. The game offers a wide variety of classes and subclasses, far more than exist in DnD 5E. The game also delves deeper into character backgrounds with its extensive options of ancestries. Pathfinder also offers a plethora of sweet-ass feats for one’s character, an amount DnD cannot hope to rival. In short, the fine-tuned customization options present in Pathfinder allow players to tailor their characters to their own specific play style.
  2. Tactical Combat: Pathfinder is all about that clever combat. The game offers more nuanced combat mechanics than DnD and provides detailed rules for character positioning, flanking, cover, and other combat maneuvers. If DnD’s combat is regular chess, Pathfinder’s combat is 3D chess. Far more cerebral, and therefore more rewarding for big-brained strategists who enjoy highly tactical gameplay.
  3. Character Progression: The character progression system in Pathfinder is rich and satisfying, and the game offers a wide variety of feats, abilities, and spells to characters as they level up. While DnD can also boast of a satisfying leveling system, Pathfinder’s added complexity allows players to grow their characters exactly how they want to. DnD meanwhile puts your character more or less on a track. A very COOL track, but a track nonetheless.


  1. Learning Curve: Warning: this game is for SMART people. Or really DEDICATED people of average intellectual capability. Pathfinder has a steep learning curve, and newbies may find themselves daunted by the tome of a rulebook and all the complicated information therein. It’s not quite as “pick up and play” as Dungeons and Dragons is, and unless you’ve got a lot of time to study the rules, it might not be worth it.
  2. Complexity: The sheer amount of rules in this game may overload your brain, which will cause gameplay to slow down. Help! Your character is falling off a cliff! Wait … how many dice do you need to roll for that? What are your proficiency bonuses? What are all these numbers? If you’re like me and your ADHD brain kicks into overdrive during drawn-out DnD 5E encounters, Pathfinder is gonna be even more of a struggle for concentration.

DnD 5E! What do we love and hate?


  1. Accessibility: Big winner right here. DnD 5E is perhaps the most accessible tabletop role-playing game in history. You wanna bring your newbie friend into the DnD fold? Easy! This version was MADE for newcomers to feel comfortable, and the rules are straightforward and easy to understand. After an hour of setting up a character with the DM, your friend will be able to jump right into the action!
  2. Streamlined Mechanics: The rules of DnD 5E focus on flexibility and simplicity. Actions that would require multiple dice rolls and rulebook checks in Pathfinder are simplified to one simple roll. The gameplay is fast-paced, allowing the game to place the spotlight on the narrative and role-playing aspects of the game (i.e. the best part). 5E’s simplicity allows newbies and veterans alike to get lost in the game, without having to worry about a learning curve or complicated rules.
  3. Popularity and Community: D&D 5E is perhaps the most popular role-playing game of all time. Everyone has heard of it, and therefore the game can boast of a massive player base and a rich community. This popularity means that new players will have an abundant amount of resources for starting a game. There are prewritten adventures, rule supplements, and scores of online communities to help answer any question. In fact, DnD is so popular that there are whole Reddit communities dedicated to helping players join games entirely online!


  1. Limited Customization: Compared to Pathfinder 2e, D&D 5E has fewer options to offer for character customization. The streamlined approach that 5E takes means that the game’s classes and subclasses are much broader in nature, which may limit players’ ability to create super-specific character concepts. If you want to get your hands dirty with all the nitty gritty specifics, you will find the nit and grit of 5E to be lacking.
  2. Simplified Combat: D&D 5E’s combat mechanics are simple in order to maximize accessibility. However, this means that they are lacking in comparison to Pathfinder’s tactical combat. The rules of DnD 5E prioritize quick and easy combat encounters, favoring narrative flow over tactical depth. While some players (myself included) may appreciate the streamlined approach that DnD takes, others may feel that the combat is oversimplified.

So there you have it! Pick your poison and sally forth on your adventure!

(featured image: Tom Condor/Flickr)

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Jack Doyle
Jack Doyle (they/them) is actually nine choirs of biblically accurate angels crammed into one pair of $10 overalls. They have been writing articles for nerds on the internet for less than a year now. They really like anime. Like... REALLY like it. Like you know those annoying little kids that will only eat hotdogs and chicken fingers? They're like that... but with anime. It's starting to get sad.

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