Pay What You Want for Nine Mobile Dev Courses
If you’re thinking about a career in software development, getting a handle on developing for mobile is essential. This bundle will get your skills up to speed. Pay what you want for the Mobile Cross Platform Development Bundle at the Mary Sue Shop.
Choose to pay less than the average price, and you’ll get one course valued at $40. You’ll get lifetime access to 30 lessons in Ionic Framework and learn Android Studio and SDK tools. Pay more than the average price, and you’ll get access to all nine courses (valued at $679). That means training in Sketch 3, Swift 3, jQuery, MeteorjS, and more. You’ll get a ton of hands-on practice building real apps (like to-do apps and product review apps) and features (like login systems and in-app purchase capabilities). And you’ll have lifetime access to it all, so you can learn at your own pace.
Pay what you want for the Mobile Cross Platform Development Bundle at the Mary Sue Shop.
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