Police Mistake Celebrity Impersonator Photoshoot for Armed Criminal Enterprise
Even though the Port of London Authority only requires artists to register if they plan to be filming, not merely taking photos, the organizers of a celebrity look-a-like photoshoot are saying that, in hindsight, they probably should have. Turns out people jump to conclusions when they see a bunch of black-clad people waving guns around on a speedboat.
The four impersonators were on hand to kick off the opening of Thamesjet, “London’s most extreme river experience,” with “appearances” by Angelina Jolie, Tom Cruise, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Daniel Craig. Alarmed by the appearance of a speedboat apparently containing four armed mercenaries, an anonymous member tipped off the police. From the Mirror:
Paul Ellerby, commercial director of City Cruises, which runs the speedboat rides, said of the incident: “It was a bit alarming to see four policemen jump out of a boat and run towards us – we thought maybe the pier was being evacuated for some reason.
“It soon became clear what it was about, and I think the police could see the funny side of it when they realised what was going on.”
Both officers and organizers were good humored about the mistake, and there were no arrests. Though part of me hopes there was at least one officer disappointed that the craziest cross-over action movie wasn’t being filmed in his or her own metaphorical back yard.
(via HuffPo.)
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