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Watch BB-8 (Literally) Lose His Head Over the Porgs

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Our love of porgs, the puffin-inspired alien species that will make their debut appearance in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, has been no secret here at The Mary Sue. In a new “Star Wars Blips,” a series of little animated shorts that feature great scenarios like a BB-8 vs. R2D2 dance battle, a group of porgs meet BB-8 in a natural combination of the franchise’s cutest mascots.

Yes, I know that this was likely made to make me want to purchase merchandise. Yes, I am buying all the porg stuff anyway because I am weak, dear reader. I am weak to puffins and cuteness and I love porgs with all my heart. Look at their slightly different fur patterns! Look at how they run with their wings up and how one of them tumbles around a little! Listen to their happy chirps! Porgs can fly, and one of them is trying its best. I’m guessing these are porglets then?

Whether the porgs—native to Ahch-To and keeping Luke Skywalker company on the islands where he’s spending his exile—will actually get to meet BB-8 and curiously take him apart is yet to be seen. What did you think about the BB-8/porg short?

(via Comic Book Resources, image: screencap)

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