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Porn Sites Will Likely Soon Be Able To Use .xxx to End URLs

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Porn sites will soon be able to make themselves even more identifiable with the convenient suffix “.xxx” at the end of their URLs. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, the behemoth organization that basically serves as any and all federal oversight over the grand Internet, is, in its infinite wisdom, set to allow the .xxx suffix.

There are a lot of porn sites. After all, that’s what the Internet is for. And in addition to just making sense, this will allow for even more well-named porn sites. You can have and co-existing!

According to a report from Internet Business Times, ICANN members feel allowing .xxx is a necessary move for neutrality:

But members of ICANN’s board have argued that in order to maintain neutrality in dealing with domain name assignations, it should create .xxx and allow websites with sexually explicit content to start using the suffix on a voluntary basis.

“If expedited due diligence results are successful, then staff will proceed into contract negotiations with ICM (over .xxx),” ICANN’s general counsel John Jeffrey told delegates at a week-long ICANN meeting in Brussels on Thursday.

One worry is that a forced assigning of .xxx or a massive crossover to .xxx on the part of porn sites could make it too easy for the Internet to be censored. It doesn’t take a very sophisticated filter to block all the sites with the same suffix.

(Via IBT via Slashdot.)

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