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Planned Parenthood Vows to Keep Doors Open, Promising #WeWontGoBack

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During his campaign, the soon-to-be president has spoken about his intentions to defund Planned Parenthood and accessible healthcare. Women, especially women of color and LBGTQ+ women are very scared right now. Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood, issued a statement after Trump’s election to assert that their doors will stay open. Here is her statement in full:

Planned Parenthood has been here for 100 years, and one thing is clear: We will never back down and we will never stop fighting to ensure that Planned Parenthood patients have access to the care they need, people who come from communities that need our continued support in this new reality – immigrants, people of color, the LGBTQ community, people of faith, and more.  Health care should not be political. Every morning, Planned Parenthood health center staff across the country wake up and open their doors, as they have this morning, to care for anyone who needs them, regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, income, or country of origin. They will do so today, they will do so tomorrow, they will do so every day as they have for 100 years.

PP is using the hashtag #WeWontGoBack on Twitter, and said in another tweet, “We are resilient. We’ve survived years of relentless attacks. We will continue to fight for our health & rights.” If you head to their website, the first thing you’ll see is the words “These doors stay open” and “We’re here.”

If you’re interested in getting involved with the important and crucial work they do, now is a great time. You can find out more about donating, volunteering, and more here.

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