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Push For Pizza Is an App Where You Push a Button and You Get Pizza

Uber, but for— *gets slapped in the face*

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Almost everyone loves pizza but hates having to go on a computer or fill out online delivery forms, or call a place and talk to people on the phone, or… move. Well, a team of five teenage guys in Brooklyn has solved that particular problem in the dorkiest, most obvious way possible.

According to the above promotional video for the newly released free iPhone app (sorry, Android users), all you do is fill your credit card information and address out once in advance, and then press a button to get your pizza. You can also press a few extra buttons to toggle the restaurant in your area, change whether you get cheese or pepperoni, and pick a size.

So really, it’s not that much different than your standard delivery app. But the real magic lies in the smart, self-aware way that the kids in the video are marketing it. Plus, does Seamless have a giant pizza-shaped button on it? I do not think so.

So once Push for Pizza earns billions of dollars, tears apart a bunch of friendships, and gets its own The Social Network-style movie adaptation, what’s the next step into the future for pizza delivery technology? Maybe this, I hope:


What’s that? Sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of this walking pizza GIF I just shoehorned into the conversation because of how awesome it is. Look at it. Look at it.

(via TechCrunch, pizza gif via vonjibble on Deviantart)

Previously in Pizza

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