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Ted Cruz Goes to Cancun During Deadly Ice Storm. What a POS.

The 2022 elections can't get here fast enough.

Ted Cruz speaks during a Senate hearing.

Ted Cruz, the human equivalent of a dumpster fire and U.S. Senator for Texas, has reportedly gone to Cancun. Out of context, that doesn’t seem so bad. He’s going for a little fun in the sun with his family. But then, context smacks you upside your head and you get angry like I am now. Because Ted Cruz has seemingly abandoned his state of Texas for a little fun in the sun while millions don’t have power and are terrified of what that means for their ability to care for their families.

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According to unverified photos circulating on Twitter that originated from former MSNBC anchor David Shuster, a passenger spotted Cruz on their flight to Cancun. He was wearing the “Come and Take” mask that he loves wearing and his fancy class ring. As time passed, more photos started to appear. One had him waiting in line with his luggage, another had him chilling on the flight while watching something on his phone, and finally, there was one of him arriving at what looks like a resort in Cancun. All POS moves by Cruz.

Even FOX News now appears to be confirming the trip. Their Congressional reporter Chad Pergram says that Cruz’s colleague has backed the reports.

It gets even worse when you realize … Cancun is in Mexico. Many immigrants come to the United States looking for a better life, via Mexico. But Ted Cruz doesn’t see it that way. He was all for building a wall to stop anyone outside of the United States from fleeing to our shores. He’s a hard-line anti-immigration proponent and opposes comprehensive immigration reform. Now Cruz has seemingly escaped his responsibilities and is living it up at a warm Mexican resort, because you know there’s no way he’s staying somewhere small, and having the time of his life while his constituents suffer.

This morning the NYT wrote that “misery [is] deepening” as Texans have endured days without power, heat, and safe water in freezing conditions. The “relentless weather” has tragically claimed more than twenty lives in the state. And another freezing storm is on its way which will only compound the misery and suffering. This is when Ted Cruz reportedly decided to skip town.

It baffles me that anyone would vote for Ted Cruz and that Beto O’Rourke lost to this dumpster fire of a person. Especially because O’Rourke is still working on supporting the state of Texas as best as he can. He hosted a virtual event where they made over 151,000 calls to senior citizens in Texas to check on their wellbeing amid the brutal conditions. He’s been posting links to warming centers, asking people to share additional resources, and has engaged the community in a way where we feel like we’re helping, no matter how small.

In comparison, Ted Cruz is, as we have established, a POS. He has now made it abundantly clear via his actions that he doesn’t care for the people of Texas. He cares for himself, his family, and his own agenda. And I hope that his most loyal fanbase realizes that when push came to shove, Cruz apparently chose to leave Texas for somewhere warm, comfortable, and with plenty of food and electricity. That’s who Cruz is. And I hope no one forgets this moment when it comes time to vote him out.

UPDATE 1:56 PM: All the reports are true, and Cruz has once again passed the buck—this time, to his kids!

(image: Tom Williams-Pool/Getty Images)

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Lyra Hale
Lyra (She/Her) is a queer Latinx writer who stans badass women in movies, TV shows, and books. She loves crafting, tostones, and speculating all over queer media. And when not writing she's scrolling through TikTok or rebuilding her book collection.

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