Return of Bruce Wayne Action Figures, Side-by-Side with the Comic Covers
Remember these? The covers of the six-issue mini-series The Return of Bruce Wayne, featuring Caveman Batman, Puritan Batman, Pirate Batman, Cowboy Batman, and Private Eye Batman?
…of course you do.
Well, the actual issues started their run earlier this month, and DC Direct, the collectibles wing of DC Comics, has announced an exclusive figurine for each time-lost Batman. We’ve put them side-by-side with their corresponding Return of Bruce Wayne comic covers after the jump.
Caveman Batman. Note the necklace of bats.
Puritan Batman. Alchemist flasks FTW.
Pirate Batman. I’m sorry. Batman + beard = hilarious, and it always will.
Cowboy Batman, looking surprisingly heroic. You know. For Batman.
Unfortunately and inexplicably, there is no 1920s Private Detective Batman. Why, DC Direct, why?! What do you have against men in nice suits? Mmm…
(h/t Comics Alliance.)
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