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George R.R. Martin to Team Coco: “Crap, I Was Supposed to Write MORE Books?” [Video]

They don't call him "Evil Santa" for nothing.


Game of Thrones mastermind George R.R. Martin stopped by the set of Conan O’Brien’s TBS talk show Conan for a brief chat, and while he was there he apparently gave Team Coco some fascinating “spoilers” for next season from the upcoming DVD commentary. I put the word spoilers in quotation marks because obviously none of the plot points proposed here are going to happen — it’s all too uplifting and pleasant for Martin. We know you better than that, sir.

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Check out the video below (and watch it through to the end to see Martin give us some adorably diabolical laughter at his own ridiculous jokes):

You know what, though? I bet Zachary Quinto would do a bang-up job as a member of the Targaryen family. Maybe not Daenerys, but I can see him representing the dead prince Rhaegar pretty well in a possible flashback sequence. Or, you know, some other character, maybe. Shhh. Spoilers.

(via Team Coco)

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