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School Bus Service in Spain Gets Cut, So Mothers Pose for a Semi-Nude Calendar to Pay For It Their Own Darn Selves

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Spain, as much of the world, isn’t doing too well economically. After the country’s construction bubble popped the government instituted sizable budget cuts, including to schools, many of which now charge way too much for lunches and have had to cut bus services. Dozens of kids at Evaristo Calayatud in Valencia now have to walk nearly four miles over unpaved roads to get to school.

But a group of mothers aren’t having it. If the government can’t afford school buses, well, they’re just going to raise the money themselves. By posing for a semi-nude calendar.

The calendar features the mothers posing along what was once (and hopefully will be again) a school bus route. Their goal is to raise 43,000 euros, or approximately 56,700 US dollars; the calendars have sold well enough so far that they already have enough to pay for three months of daily bus service for the 83 kids affected.

Says Maria Gilabert, one of the mothers:

“I’ll do anything for my child and If I have to undress, because in Spain that’s what has to be done to get attention, then I’ll do it.”

I’m torn between wanting to stand up and cheer for these moms and getting depressed at how the government is treating public education. I mean, it’s not like the future of their country depends on it or anything.

(via: Jezebel)

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