Holy ’90s, Batman! Scream And Johnny Mnemonic Reboots Are Coming to Your TV
Bloody Good Fun
Break out your scrunchies and reattach your Tamagotchi to your keychains, fellow nerds: Scream and Johnny Mnemonic are coming back, this time as TV shows.
Of the two, Scream is a bit further along: MTV has ordered a pilot for the show, described by the network as a “reinvention” of the original horror comedy franchise, and plans to debut it in the summer of 2014. There are no writers, directors, or cast yet attached, but original director and horror maestro Wes Craven is reportedly in talks to possibly direct the pilot.
As for Johnny Mnemonic, it doesn’t have a network yet, but one of the two companies developing it also does Syfy’s Lost Girl, which is where I’d imagine a Johnny Mnemonic show would most likely end up. There are reportedly some former Stargate writers attached, though there’s no word on who.
I really couldn’t care less about Johnny Mnemonic, but honestly I don’t like the movie all that much. I mean, it’s fine, but I only saw it for the first time a few months ago, so there wasn’t the tinge of nostalgia to sand away all the rough edges (bad acting, awful special effects. The dolphin was cool, though).
Scream, though… I can’t even count how many times I’ve seen that movie since it first came out. (12-year-old me looked at your R rating, Scream, and scoffed.) MTV will have to deliver on the meta/comedy elements in addition to the horror, as those things are what made Scream great. Just imagine all the things they can make fun of that weren’t around in the ’90s! People can tweet as Ghostface chases them or get killed because they forgot to turn off their cellphone and he hears the ringtone. Maybe the show will take the form of a mockumentary about a reality TV show featuring characters from the original franchise! OK, that might be taking it a bit far. But we’re fully in the Internet age now. There’s so much more to mock!
(via: blastr, The Hollywood Reporter)
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