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Sean Bean Talks Dragonriders of Pern, Ned Stark, Burying A Bear With Nicolas Cage

That is not a euphemism.


Earlier this afternoon Sean Bean got on the Horn of Gondor took to Reddit for his first-ever Ask Me Anything to discuss past roles, his new show Legends, and what happens when Nicolas Cage gets inebriated around bear skulls. Onto that last item first.

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During the AMA, Bean shared an awesome anecdote that may force me to revise my official opinion on National Treasure (more like National Turd, etc., etc.):

There was one [night] where I went back to Nic Cage’s house, and we’d had a few drinks, we were playing pool and he accidentally knocked over his prehistoric cave bear skull and smashed it. And he was really upset about it, and the next day went and buried it in a field.

How very Westeros of them! Speaking of fantasy epics, Bean says he would love to act in more–provided he gets to ride dragons, that is. In response to a Redditor’s question about whether he would consider acting in a possible Dragonriders of Pern movie, Bean replied “Yeah, that’d be good. That’d be good fun. I’ve never ridden a dragon before!” Make it so, Hollywood.

Bean also revealed one of his favorite moments from a previous role:

We did a good scene with me and Viggo, where we just sat together chatting about our past and where we grew up and where we came from, you know, discussing how much was at stake at that particular point in the film. I always remember that. I enjoyed working with Viggo very much, I enjoyed working with everyone, but Viggo and I got on very well together.

To hear Bean discuss his theories on Ned Stark, accidentally receiving Rowan Atkinson’s mail, and the things one does not simply do, check out the AMA. Be warned there are slight Game of Thrones spoilers, although if you’re at all familiar with Bean’s body of work, most of them shouldn’t be a surprise.

(via Uproxx)

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