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Mystique Wants You To Know That Cheeseburgers Aren’t For Ladies In Bizarre Hardee’s Ad [VIDEO]

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As far as Jennifer Lawrence-related tie-ins go, this Carl’s Jr./Hardee’s commercial is about ten times worse than that time Subway created a special sandwich for Catching Fire, that movie about starving kids. (The video has been taken down; I guess Subway got embarrassed.) The Subway commercial was mostly just insensitive and weird. This commercial, in which a (non-Lawrence or Rebecca Romjin) Mystique has to transform into a dude before she can eat a Thickburger, manages to be insensitive, weird, and actively offensive.

Also making the rounds: A commercial that implies the reason sexist, catcalling construction workers are sexist catcallers is that they haven’t eaten their daily Snickers. You can find that one behind the cut.

And… discuss.

(via: Jezebel, Comics Alliance)

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