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Swordfish Caught By Fishermen, Attacked By Shark Is Having Just The Worst Day [Video]

Happy Friday, everyone! I know we’re all going to have some moments today where it seems like we’re just not quite going to make it through this week. But take heart, brothers and sisters! The weekend is just around the corner, and to make matters better, you are not this swordfish, which is having pretty much the worst day ever, caught between a rock and a hard place. Or the fish equivalent of that, anyway, which I guess is “a fishing boat and a sharky place.”

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Fisherman Matt Watson probably thought he and his crew were having a pretty good day filming The Ultimate Fishing Show when they hooked a huge swordfish near New Zealand. What started as good footage, though, turned downright amazing as a mako shark in the area decided that the swordfish in question wasn’t leaving the ocean before it took its pound of flesh. Well, probably a couple pounds, judging by this video.

The swordfish, meanwhile, just cannot believe the day its having. We know that feel bro.

We should also point out that props are due to Watson and his crew for getting most of the rest of their mangled catch on board. I don’t know about the rest of you, but if a shark starts eating anything that I wanted, I have a blanket policy of just letting the shark have it. I’m in no hurry to fight a shark over a meal. So congratulations to the crew of  The Ultimate Fishing Show for being braver than I, even if that’s not terribly hard.

(via BBC)

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