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‘She cooked him’: College students put Charlie Kirk to shame while debating abortion, trans rights

Charlie Kirk debates 25 college students in Jubilee video

Charlie Kirk tried debating 25 liberal college students in a video for Jubilee, and viewers can’t get enough of watching these students utterly destroy him while debating topics like abortion and transgender rights.

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It’s surprising that Kirk agreed to the debate when he doesn’t have a great track record of debating. Recently, he was among several conservatives who bizarrely tried to stalk the Democratic National Convention. He was quickly spotted by Parker Short, president of the Young Democrats of Georgia, who tried to engage Kirk in a debate about Donald Trump’s Georgia election fraud scandal. However, Kirk wasn’t able to come up with a single coherent response, so instead, he randomly asked, “What is a woman?”

In a separate incident, while trying to argue against birth control, the best argument the right-wing pundit could come up with was that it “turns women into Democrats.” As a result, his attempt to debate college students went precisely as one would expect a debate would go for someone prone to making things up and asking random, weird questions.

Charlie Kirk embarrasses himself while debating college students

Jubilee recently released a video titled “Can 25 Liberal College Students Outsmart 1 Conservative?” Several clips from the video prove that the answer is a resounding “Yes.” Multiple students left Kirk so flustered that he started speaking complete jibberish, and several succeeded in getting him to voice some of the darkest right-wing rhetoric.

The clip that earned the most attention was when he tried to debate a young woman, Naima, on whether “Abortion is murder and should be illegal.” She immediately starts her debate by asking him how many weeks along he believes a fetus is “viable” and can survive outside the womb. When he answers “20 weeks,” she accurately tells him that under Roe v. Wade, “93% of abortions happened in the first 13 weeks of pregnancy.” Kirk then tries to backtrack by questioning what viability is. Bizarrely, he tries to equate a six-week-old fetus with “an 88-year-old right now with dementia.”

A visibly confused Naima starts to speak but is interrupted by him asking what “fetus” means in Latin. He then falsely claims, “It means little human being,” followed by an unsettling smile. Undeterred, Naima states, “Ew, his smile is very creepy.” She goes on to try to explain scientific viability, although Kirk keeps bringing up the dementia comparison. He seems to grasp her argument at one point, stating, “A mom can survive without the baby. The baby cannot survive without the mom.” Then, he goes completely off the rails, stating, “But a mom cannot survive without her lungs. So it’s not her body, it’s in her body.”

The secondhand embarrassment is almost hard to watch. He makes up the Latin definition of a fetus, claims six-week-old fetuses have “fingerprints,” claims a fetus and an 80-year-old with dementia are the same thing, and has the entire room looking at him like, “What the heck?” after he makes that nonsensical lungs statement. In another video, a student named Parker stumps Kirk in a debate about transgender individuals. Since Kirk believes that individuals are strictly male or female based solely on biology, Parker asks him what god’s biology is. Of course, Kirk cannot answer that nor why he considers god a “man” if he doesn’t know what makes the diety a “man.”

However, not all the videos are so enjoyable to watch. Some are quite terrifying. In one video, a female student asks him if he had a 10-year-old daughter who was raped, would he force her to undergo the trauma of delivery? Kirk responds without hesitation that he would. Also, around the 8:59 mark in the video, Kirk is asked what happens if a woman has health complications and will die if she gives birth. He responds that the woman should have a C-section instead of an abortion.

In another video, Kirk struggles to explain what the difference is between a woman getting an abortion and an IUD device preventing implantation. Although he tries to deny that he thinks women using IUDs are murderers, he then says, “If they knew for certain that [they] have a fertilized egg and [they are] going to take a drug to prevent that fertilized egg from attaching to the uterine wall, then, yes, that is an act of killing or murder.” He describes exactly how IUDs and birth control work and confirms he thinks it constitutes “murder.”

What makes the debates even harder to watch is that Kirk has 3.3 million followers on X and is extremely popular among conservatives. This is who conservatives celebrate and believe the rhetoric of: a man who openly admits he’d force his 10-year-old daughter to give birth to her rapist’s child, calls women with IUDs murderers, and thinks a fetus has fingerprints and is somehow equivalent to a woman’s lungs or an individual with dementia.

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Rachel Ulatowski
Rachel Ulatowski is a Staff Writer for The Mary Sue, who frequently covers DC, Marvel, Star Wars, literature, and celebrity news. She has over three years of experience in the digital media and entertainment industry, and her works can also be found on Screen Rant, JustWatch, and Tell-Tale TV. She enjoys running, reading, snarking on YouTube personalities, and working on her future novel when she's not writing professionally. You can find more of her writing on Twitter at @RachelUlatowski.

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