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Social Justice Class Pins Are Things You Can Buy Now

No love for social justice barbarians?

As far as misguided insults from Internet-based jerks go, the new hotness for the past couple of months has been “social justice warrior.” As a slur, it’s quite effective. I mean, clearly some of us are social justice bards and social justice wizards, and being mis-classed like that can be very upsetting. Luckily, there are ways to combat this kind of hurtfulness before it starts—with buttons!

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Here’s a better look at the pixellated weapons found on each button, as gorgeously designed by Sarah “Chip” Nixon, aka @Chiparoo.

Nixon says on her Twitter that the buttons will be available for $2 each, or $10 for the whole set, at Seattle’s GeekGirlCon next weekend (oh, if only it weren’t the same time as NYCC! *fist shake*). Even better, she plans to give the proceeds to Planned Parenthood. Is there a button for social justice queen? Because I think this person absolutely deserves one.

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