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How To Use Social Media To Get Better Grades [Infographic]

When we think of students using social media, it’s hard not to imagine the college freshman holed up in the library spending hours on Facebook when they should be studying for exams, but maybe there is a little more value in social media for students than you would think. An interesting infographic by Masters in Education suggests that being involved in social media is actually good for students’ grades. However, the graphic doesn’t really get into the nuts and bolts of how they established a correlation.

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Still, some of the claims seem pretty believable, like students using social media to organize themselves into a study group when one wasn’t organized by a professor. Even if the social media addict is unlikely to be at the top of the class, it is still good to note that there are positive ways to use social media for educational purposes. It doesn’t have to be a brain sucking vortex of wasted time, in fact, it could provide some great new ways for students to learn.

(via Bit Rebels)

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