1970’s Captain America (and MST3K Movie) Star Feels Left Out of Captain America
what is this I don't even
According to TMZ, who lately has actually kind of had the occasional relevant thing to say about superhero media, Reb Brown, who portrayed Captain America in Captain America and Captain America II: Death Too Soon, two made-for-TV Captain America movies that ran in 1979, is peeved that he was left out of Captain America: The First Avenger.
Brown tells TMZ that at one pint … the producers told his rep they were into the idea of having him make an appearance in the movie. But before he knew it … he was reading about production getting underway in London without a single call coming his way.
Warning: Reb Brown also starred in Space Mutiny.
According to Brown, there’s something of an unwritten rule in superhero movies that you give a cameo to the last guy who memorably played the character. Specifically, he wants to know why if Lou Ferrigno can get a cameo in The Hulk, why didn’t he get tapped for Cap.
Though we’re sure Brown’s portrayal of Cap was fine… we’re gonna call this one on the use of “memorably.” It’s pretty safe to argue that the most memorable live-action portrayal of the First Avenger before The First Avenger was (for better or for worse) 1990’s Captain America, starring Matt Salinger.
Frankly, Reb Brown’s most memorable role to us will always be his starring role as Slab Bulkhead, Big McLarge-Huge, Butch Deadlift, Buff Drinklots, Gristle McThornbody, Smoke Manmuscle, Bob Johnson, er… Dave Ryder, in Space Mutiny, which was made most memorable to us by Mystery Science Theater 3000.
(via Blastr.)
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