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Election Savior & Romance Author Stacey Abrams Shares Her Pro-Spuffy Allegiance

Stacey Abrams with campaign sign behind her

Stacey Abrams is a hero right now. Her fight against voter suppression in Georgia was key in turning the state blue in the 2020 presidential election, and she is proving that we can indeed come together and reach across the aisle to people we disagree with—when it comes to Buffy takes, that is.

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Abrams is already notorious for being a romance author under the pen name Selena Montgomery, but a Twitter user @’d the American politician about her being a fan of Buffy: The Vampire Slayer. The user also mentioned that Abrams “ships Spike,” which prompted Abrams to say, “To be fair, Angel was the right boyfriend for Buffy coming into her power. Spike was the right man to be with as she became the power.”

Now, I have already made my opinion on Spuffy very clear. I get it until “Seeing Red,” when it became clear that the writers wanted to raise the stakes at the expense of Buffy and Spike’s characters, with an attempted rape scene that was brutal even in the way it was filmed. However, people have the right to their fandom opinion, and even more so, I’m sure that part of the appeal of Spuffy is that it’s messed up.

As I am trying to not be so puritanical about fandom shipping (when it’s not concerning anything illegal or dealing with minors), it is important to remember that, in fiction, sometimes you are looking for the drama. My ire is mostly towards the writers who seemed to not understand how they were doing more harm than good by making so many beloved characters act gross.

Abrams was not alone, as Wynonna Erap showrunner Emily Andras shared her support and also attempted to bring Abrams into the Earp-fold. (Yes, because the show could use more women of color anyway, so Stacey Abrams, use your progressive powers for fandom good).

So you see, there are divisions among people that we can move past (when it doesn’t include dehumanizing marginalized people and denying rights for many), and Stacey Abrams is proving that a good leader can bring together both sides of the fandom aisle. I may be Bangel trash, but I still support Abrams and her work.

Besides, there are more important ship wars to fight. Let me know her opinions on Avatar: The Last Airbender, and then we will see where the chips may fall.

Dear readers, are you ready for the era when what you ship becomes part of your political platform? Would you vote for someone who shipped your Notp?

(image: Jessica McGowan/Getty Images)

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Princess Weekes
Princess (she/her-bisexual) is a Brooklyn born Megan Fox truther, who loves Sailor Moon, mythology, and diversity within sci-fi/fantasy. Still lives in Brooklyn with her over 500 Pokémon that she has Eevee trained into a mighty army. Team Zutara forever.

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