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Artist Renders Star Wars Icons as Warhol Soup Cans in “Star Warhols” Series

That's No Soup Can... It's a Space Station!


The Force is strong with artist Vincent Vermeij AKA Chungkong. He’s created beautiful prints of Star Wars characters reimagined as Andy Warhol soup cans in his “Star Warhols” series, and you can buy prints of them all right now. We think that’s worthy of 15 minutes of fame.

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We love the cans he did in this series, particularly R2 and 3PO pictured above, but there is no shortage of characters that Chungkong could use to continue this series. We’d love to see more of these, but a word of advice – skip Jar Jar… unless you paint him as a jar. Then actually we might be on board.

Instead of speculating on future Star Warhols, let’s take a look at the ones that actually exist, complete with links to where you can buy prints, and some very dumb Star Wars/can puns!

[geekovision id=306]

(Chungkong via HuffPo, images used with permission)

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Glen Tickle
Glen is a comedian, writer, husband, and father. He won his third-grade science fair and is a former preschool science teacher, which is a real job.

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