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Here’s What We Want To See In the Next Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Trailer

More Finn! More Poe! More Rose and Jannah too!!

The Star Wars sequel trilogy trio stands on a hill overlooking a destroyed Death Star.

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There are rumors that we’ll get a second trailer for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker either next Monday or the Monday after, which means it is speculation o’clock. While the trailer won’t give away any answers we’re dying to know, like what Palpatine has been up to or how the Resistance will save the day, but we’re sure to get some delightful teases. Here are a few things we’re hoping to see in the upcoming trailer.

First off, more Finn and Poe. We’ve gotten quite a few teases of Rey and Kylo Ren, but we could use more Finn and Poe to balance this out, since we’ve been following all four characters since the first film. I want teases of their epic lines and awesome adventures. Some scenes of Rose and new character Jannah would also be awesome, as Rose has been suspiciously absent from the marketing so far and we haven’t heard any lines from Jannah. Seeing the four of them facing the First Order would be great, and get us even more hyped for the film.

Hopefully, we’ll also see new characters General Pryce and Zori Bliss. Pryce sounds like a totally wicked villain, and Zori might have the coolest costume in the film. I can’t wait to meet them, as well as the Knights of Ren. Teasing these new characters would be a great way to drum up hype, as well as get us familiarized with the newbies before the film starts. Besides, I have a mighty need to see Jannah and Zori in action, because I live for badass space women.

I know that they’ll try to mask the plot as much as possible, but a vague idea of what the film will be about beyond “pew pew pew.” What is driving Rey, Finn, and Poe to leave the Resistance and seem to set out on their own? What is Kylo up to?  I don’t expect any major questions to be answered, but a vague idea of the plot would be nice, though I’m expected it to be a mystery box inside a mystery box until December 20.

I’m hoping for a glimpse of some space battles, as we have to have a space battle or two in the film. We’ve been teased with shots of the Resistance fleet coming out of hyperspace as a fleet of Imperial Star Destroyers hover menacingly against a storm, so give us the epic space battle we deserve to close out the saga. The franchise loves a good space battle, so give the people a tease of what they want.

I’m also wondering what the trailer will end on. The second trailer for The Force Awakens had Han returning, the final trailer for The Last Jedi featured Kylo extending his hand to Rey, and both trailers for The Rise of Skywalker have featured jaw-dropping endings with reveals of both Palpatine and Dark Rey. If they’ve already teased that, what could they possibly tease that would be even more exciting for this trailer?

Of course, they don’t even need to really tease anything. They could drop a trailer that’s just the clip of Rey doing that cool flip over the TIE fighter and call it a day, as The Rise of Skywalker is one of the year’s most hotly anticipated films. Still, Lucasfilm will probably go all out with the marketing, and I hope that the trailer makes us all cry, scream, and anxiously await the film’s release.

(image: Lucasfilm)

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Kate Gardner
Kate (they/them) says sorry a lot for someone who is not sorry about the amount of strongly held opinions they have. Raised on a steady diet of The West Wing and classic film, they are now a cosplayer who will fight you over issues of inclusion in media while also writing coffee shop AU fanfic for their favorite rare pairs.

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