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The Star Wars: Underworld Series Might Not Be Appropriate For the Younglings

May The Force Be With You

While we all patiently wait for any news concerning Lucasfilm‘s Star Wars TV series, Star Wars: Underworld, here is something to tide us over: it might be a little racier than the movies. As in, producer Rick McCallum is comparing the planned stories to ones on the level of an FX series. FX. They curse there. They kill there. They show butts, too, and sideboob. After the jump, find out more about what kind of sideboob we’re going to see on Boba Fett.

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We all know the budget of this thing is huge — $5 to 6 million per episode — which is not pocket change, even for Lucasfilm, but still a challenge if they want to do more than one of these. But budget aside, McCallum has said that some are concerned about the proposed content of the show, and how it might not be appropriate for the kind of audience the original films sought out — the younger set. No, little Johnny and Jane might have to put on earmuffs for this one. Says McCallum:

“Our biggest problem is that these stories are adult. I mean…these are like Deadwood in space. It so unlike anything you’ve ever associated with George [Lucas] before in relation to Star Wars. These aren’t for kids. I mean, we hope they’ll watch, but it’s not being targeted at 8-to-9 year old boys.”

I’ll go ahead and assume that McCallum meant to include girls in his quote, but anyway. Yeah — Deadwood. In space. That’s a pretty badass show. Badass as in ruthless, gritty, and — for a cable network — graphic. And that’s fine for us big kids, but the little kids with their plastic lighsabers being told they’re not old enough to watch a Star Wars show? I sure don’t want to be around for that sad, sad conversation.

(via Blastr)

Previously in Star Wars: Underworld

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