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These Star Wars-Patterned Suits Look Like Formal Pajamas

... Which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

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Nerdy-themed suits with block-printed designs have started popping up in a few different varieties lately, with OppoSuits as one of the leaders in this unusual and distinctive fashion trend. The brand is probably best-known for their holiday-themed block-printed suits, one of which Jimmy Kimmel wore on TV, but they also got some buzz amongst us nerdy types recently for this Pac-Man suit design. Today, OppoSuits got even nerdier by announcing a two-suit Star Wars collection, with one design featuring a block-printed Storm Trooper helmet, and the other sporting more colorful, Star Wars-themed block printed look called “Strong Force.”

The block-printed style personally reminds me of pajamas, but that’s probably because I own a pair of block-printed Star Wars pajamas that look almost exactly like these suits. Except the difference is that I can’t get away with wearing my pajamas to a formal event! As for whether these suits would fit in a formal event, well … I’m not sure about that either, actually. But they’ll definitely help you stand out, that’s for sure.

If you like the idea behind OppoSuits, but they seem a little too garish for your tastes, then you might enjoy some of the collections over at FunSuits, such as their “Secret Identity” comic book-themed collections. There’s still block-printing involved, but it’s on the suit jacket lining, as opposed to on the outside.

(via email tip, image via Oppo Suits)

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Maddy Myers
Maddy Myers, journalist and arts critic, has written for the Boston Phoenix, Paste Magazine, MIT Technology Review, and tons more. She is a host on a videogame podcast called Isometric (, and she plays the keytar in a band called the Robot Knights (

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