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More Like Chilliam Bakespeare: Forensic Scientists Say Bard May Have Been Huge Stoner

A fool thinks himself wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool, maaaaaaaan.

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According to new discoveries by forensic scientists, William Shakespeare may have been a big ol’ stoner. And he never amounted to anything, did he?

The Independent reports (in an article with this excellent subheader):

State-of-the-art forensic technology from South Africa has been used to try and unravel the mystery of what was smoked in tobacco pipes found in the Stratford-upon-Avon garden of William Shakespeare.

Of the 24 pipe fragments discovered, 8 of them were found to contain cannabis (no word yet on whether or not The Bard may have perhaps just been holding them for a friend).

According to The Independent, Shakespeare’s love for the darling bud was obvious in his texts all along:

In Sonnet 76, he writes about “invention in a noted weed”, which could be interpreted to mean that Shakespeare was willing to use “weed”, or cannabis, while he was writing.

[…] In the same sonnet it appears that he would prefer not to be associated with “compounds strange”, which can be interpreted, at least potentially, to mean “strange drugs” (possibly cocaine).

(via Jezebel)

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