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There’s Some Unnecessary Drama Before Team Supergirl Faces Off Against the Worldkiller “Trinity”

Supergirl -- "Trinity" -- Pictured: Melissa Benoist as Kara/Supergirl © 2018 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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Drama needs conflict. I totally get it. But it bugs me when the conflict generated isn’t based in character, but rather, in writers slightly altering a character for no reason just to force certain reactions make certain plot points inevitable. Supergirl seems to do this with Kara often, periodically having her do a complete 180 on her nature just to artificially create tension. What’s frustrating is that the events of “Trinity” could’ve happened exactly the same without doing that. **SPOILERS, YADDA-YADDA.**

Need to catch up? Here’s the official synopsis from The CW:

SUPERGIRL TAKES ON ALL THREE WORLDKILLERS — Still reeling after learning about Lena’s (Katie McGrath) secret, Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) asks Guardian (Mehcad Brooks) for a favor that could alter his relationship with Lena forever. Meanwhile, with all three Worldkillers united, Supergirl and the team brace for an epic battle.

(image: Katie Yu/The CW)

I knew coming into this episode that Lena would have to deal with some fallout for keeping her work with Sam/Reign a secret for so long, and in the opening scene, where she’s having to defend her actions against the DEO, I both understood why they were so upset that they weren’t informed, and I was thrilled by the way Lena defended herselfcalling them out for being a secret organization that had never formally admitted its existence to her, and emphasizing that she was doing private work in her own lab with a consensual participant, and she doesn’t work for them.

I figured all that was coming, and I appreciated it. What bugged me was Supergirl’s sudden regression into “thinking of Lena as a Luthor.” I thought we were well past this. Even James makes it a point to tell Kara that she was the one responsible for changing his mind about Lena. The idea that suddenly, because there was kryptonite involved, that Kara would not only lose faith in Lena, but have James-as-Guardian sneak into Lena’s office to ensure that she’s not lying about not having any more kryptonite seemed hugely out of character.

The show does this from time to time: has Kara/Supergirl randomly be obstinate or suspicious or angry without any real provocation. Which is frustrating, because the show has often been so good about exploring Kara’s more complex and negative feelings. There are plenty of ways in which we’ve successfully been able to navigate Kara’s anger, or her lack of trust in certain situations.

Say what you might about her feelings about Mon-El, I thought her reaction to Myr’nn’s mental instability, which caused her to reveal her anger toward Mon-El having never apologized to her was earned and organic. That tension had been building over the course of several episodes.

(image: Jack Rowand/The CW)

Supergirl’s distrust of Lena in this episode didn’t feel earned, because it would be understandable to anyone why Lena might not share her work with Sam/Reign with anyone. As Lena pointed out to Supergirl when she brilliantly asked Supergirl to tell her her real name if she was so all about “not having secrets,” this wasn’t her secret to tell. Sam came to her in confidence. What’s more, she didn’t want Sam to be treated like a lab animal by the DEO. Better that a friend who cares about her and has the intelligence and tech to help her with care and respect.

While I don’t care if I ever see Guardian again, I do appreciate the fact that James not only didn’t go into Lena’s vault, but was honest about the whole thing with Lena, prompting her to be honest with him (she can make kryptonite!). That is what a mature, healthy, genuinely loving relationship looks like.

Something else that struck me as a huge about-face from Kara’s usual personality is that she was talking about Kryptonian demons and dark magic as if of course that’s what’s happening. Meanwhile, both in the comics and on this show, Kara generally doesn’t buy into Rao and all his surrounding mythology. She’s very much all about science. In the episode “The Faithful,” when that priest starts a religion worshiping Rao by worshiping Supergirl, she makes it very clear that she thinks all of that religious stuff is BS.

So, to suddenly have Supergirl be all like, “It’s Kryptonian demons. I’ve seen them before,” I was kinda like, “Whut?” That also didn’t seem like her.

(image: Jack Rowand/The CW)

In the world of other unnecessary drama, I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at Mon-El’s increased moping about Kara. Kara having a difficult time getting over Mon-El, I understand. Not as much time has passed for her, and the circumstances surrounding his being sent away were pretty traumatic. I get that it was hard for her to get over him.

What I don’t feel is very true is that Mon-El, having had years away from Kara to grieve, and get over her, and find this other woman who’s gorgeous, smart, kind, and also has superpowers, comes back for a couple of weeks and is this messed up about Kara. I mean, yeah, Kara’s wonderful. But Mon-El is also a very different person. This is another bit of drama that felt shoehorned in….because dealing with Worldkillers wasn’t enough?

The main part of the episode’s plot, the mission to go into the other dimension to find Sam and Julie and save them while defeating the Worldkillers inhabiting them, was a little more successful. While I could’ve done without Kara stopping to bicker with Lena during the mission, I thought that Odette Annable gave an amazing performance as Sam this week, as she was put through the wringer in order to save herself and get back to Ruby. Her struggle to try and remember Ruby’s name was heartbreaking.

And I just need to be like, YAY, WINN, FOR MAKING ALEX A SUPER-SUIT!

A little less successful was how Team Supergirl ended up defeating the Worldkillers. The logistics of what exactly they did to defeat Pestilence was unclear. I guess Julie fought really hard to assert herself, but then Pestilence stabbed her…but she’s still alive? But Purity is gone? I think? And is Grace also dead in addition to Pestilence? I think so?

I’m definitely looking forward to seeing what happens with Reign now that she’s determined to kill Ruby in order to keep Sam, and I’m absolutely intrigued by the implications of Lena being able to manufacture kryptonite. I just hope that the characters get a little more consistent.

What did you think of this week’s Supergirl? Let’s talk about it below!

Supergirl airs Mondays at 8:00PM ET on The CW.

(featured image: Katie Yu/The CW)

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Teresa Jusino
Teresa Jusino (she/her) is a native New Yorker and a proud Puerto Rican, Jewish, bisexual woman with ADHD. She's been writing professionally since 2010 and was a former TMS assistant editor from 2015-18. Now, she's back as a contributing writer. When not writing about pop culture, she's writing screenplays and is the creator of your future favorite genre show. Teresa lives in L.A. with her brilliant wife. Her other great loves include: Star Trek, The Last of Us, anything by Brian K. Vaughan, and her Level 5 android Paladin named Lal.

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