These Superhero Popsicle Prints Make Us Long for a Refreshing Super-Powered Treat
For a lot of us, this summer has been long and really, annoyingly hot. In fact, it’s been the hottest U.S. summer in 100 years. Dutch artist Vincent Vermeil is either there to taunt us or free us from this heat with his superhero popsicle prints. Bonus points (and our eternal gratefullness) if you figure out how to make them IRL.
So far they’re all made of paper–matte cotton, to be precise. But though these may be intended as colorful contemporary art (and we say they succeed in that area), they’re still really wishing someone would bring us some popsicles that we could actually consume.
Still, they’re pretty cool, so let’s look at them.
We like to imagine Wonder Woman’s made of raspberry and lemonade, maybe with some crushed up blueberries at the bottom for a dash of fanciness.
What kind of juice would we make Iron Man out of? Pomegranate? Cherry? Strawberry? What do you think is the sassiest fruit?
We imagine this one as strawberry and blue raspberry.
We’re a bit puzzled as to how we’d make this one a physical reality. Maybe blackberry?
Orange juice, all the way.
You can see the rest over at Geek Sugar.
(via Geek Sugar)
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