Celebrate Independence Day and Freedom by Supporting Free and Open Internet [Video]
Jul 4th, 2012, 4:00 pm
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If you’re spending this Independence Day relaxing instead of shooting explosives into the sky and making fun of the guy playing with the black snakes and sparklers, Google made this short, important video reminding you about the virtues of freedom, and how that should apply to your favorite vehicle of information, the Internet. Google doesn’t pick sides in this video either, quoting not only Mitt Romney, but Barack Obama and Benjamin Franklin. So no matter which side of network news you fall on, we can probably all agree that freedom is pretty great, and our favorite toy the Internet deserves some of it.
(via Google)
- Or you can celebrate America with beer, guns, country music, and Mike Judge
- And watch these gorgeous daytime fireworks
- And wonder why there aren’t more American Revolution video games
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