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The Tangled TV Series Trailer Shows Off a New Art Style, Plus a New Female Character

Rather than give Tangled a silver screen sequel, Disney has decided to relegate Rapunzel and Eugene to a slightly smaller screen. Tangled: The Series will chronicle the ongoing adventures of Rapunzel and Eugene, before they have the “happily ever after” one would expect from their fairytale romance. The series will kick off with a TV movie titled Tangled: Before Ever After, and then continue on to Tangled: The Series.

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The title of the TV movie, Before Ever After, is actually a reference to the 2012 short film Tangled Ever After, which depicts Rapunzel and Eugene’s wedding. Before Ever After will take place, uh, before that. But, after the movie. And before the TV series. Got it? Good.

Based on this trailer for Tangled: The Series, I think the TV show will take place after Before Ever After and also after Ever After. (Confused yet? Bear with me…) I say that because this trailer revolves around the mysterious case of Rapunzel’s hair, which due to magic shenanigans, will be returning to its super-powered state in the TV series. On her wedding day in Tangled Ever After, though, we know that she had her short brown hair, so… hmmm. Anyway, this trailer doesn’t explain why she gets her hair back, since I’m guessing it’ll be one of the central mysteries that unfolds over the course of the show.

What’s also cool is that in this trailer, we get to meet a brand new female character, Cassandra, who appears to be a friend of Rapunzel and maybe a fighter/soldier of some kind, based on her attire. She’ll be voiced by Eden Espinosa, who is a Broadway star with an amazing voice, suggesting that perhaps Tangled: The Series will include some songs, just like the original movie did.

Best of all, Mandy Moore and Zachary Levi will return to voice the roles of Rapunzel and Eugene, and also, Jeffrey Tambor, Paul F. Tompkins and M.C. Gainey will also return to voice the bit parts that they played in the original movie. All of that will definitely help the TV series feel like a more official sequel.

Disney doesn’t always stick the landing when it comes to sequels to its princess movies. The only other TV series spin-off that I remember is the Aladdin one, although I’m sure there are others that just aren’t springing to mind for me. I remember enjoying the Aladdin show as a youngster, but I also remember feeling a little disappointed by it in comparison to the movies. It just didn’t “feel” the same, even though many of the voice actors did return.

That said, this Tangled show has already distinguished itself by introducing a brand new character and, more importantly, showcasing a completely different art style. The characters don’t look too different, really, but the aesthetic of the 2D animation is completely altered from the style of the first movie. That might help Tangled: The Series forge its own path and find its own fanbase, without having the live in the shadow of the original movie.

(via /Film, image via YouTube screencap)

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Maddy Myers
Maddy Myers, journalist and arts critic, has written for the Boston Phoenix, Paste Magazine, MIT Technology Review, and tons more. She is a host on a videogame podcast called Isometric (, and she plays the keytar in a band called the Robot Knights (

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