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The 14 Best LEGO Star Wars Battle Packs To Make Your Enemies Fear You

Show no mercy.

Ahsoka Tano fights an Inquisitor in 'Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi'

Sometimes you gotta let the ops know that you’re not to be trifled with. How do you do that? With a LEGO Star Wars Battle Pack, of course! Let them tremble before the full might of the Empire! Run screaming as your battle droids descend upon them!

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But which battle pack should you choose to create the most fearsome of Galactic armies? I’ve personally tested every single Star Wars battle pack by smiting my foes into ruin, so you don’t have to. And these battle packs are the mightiest of all.

14. 501st Clone Troopers Battle Pack


The 501st Clone Troopers Battle Pack is sure to terrify your enemies! They’re only one of the most famous and fiercest of the Clone legions. Just look at them! Pearl white uniforms in blue trim! Does it not make your heart stir in patriotic fervor for the Republic of yesteryear? These clone troopers come with an AV-7 Anti Vehicle Cannon that actually fires REAL LEGO MISSILES. Your enemies try to pull up on you in a droid tanker? Blow them to smithereens with anti-material rounds of Republic might!

13. Snow Trooper Battle Pack


The Snow Trooper Battle Pack gives a fierce winter season look to the haute couture fashion the Imperial Army is known for. Dazzle your enemies with the blinding white camouflage of the Storm Troopers! The set comes with an Imperial Scout on a speeder, a Storm Trooper manning a heavy mounted blaster, a Storm Trooper with a big ol’ blaster tucked into snow cover, and one Storm Trooper with nothing but a trusty blaster, two feet, and GRIT. Be like the last guy. Show your enemies that you have no fear no matter the temperature.

12. Bounty Hunter Speeder Bike Battle Pack


Got the ops running in terror? Use the Bounty Hunter Speeder Bike Battle Pack to track them down and end them for good! Look at these terrifying miniatures! This dragon lizard on a Speeder looks like he wants more smoke than a five-alarm fire! His freaky little insectoid comrade looks equally menacing, plus they’ve got a battle droid behind them that appears to be one VERY angry cylinder. Strafe by your enemies and cut them down with the Speeder’s fearsome stud shooters! They’ll never see you coming!

11. Rebel Alliance Battle Pack


Check out the might of the Rebel Alliance Battle Pack! Aliens and humans of all sorts have come together to hop on a speeder and fight off the Empire! An alien fish looking guy rides a Speeder that, just like the Bounty Hunter Speeder pack, shoots actual studs! And he’s got back up! Just look at the rebel warrior flying with a jetpack. I thought Boba Fett was the only guy with a cool jet pack! And unlike other models, these warriors have blasters that can shoot studs too.

10. Mandalorian Battle Pack


Are your ops still looking for trouble? The Mandalorian Battle Pack should change all of that. After all, the Mandalorians are some of the most feared fighters in the entire Galaxy. And this battle pack comes with four of them! Look at their beskar armor, gleaming in royal cobalt. Behold their fearsome speeder and blaster turret. Check out the mighty warrior with the equally mighty heavy blaster that would put a .50 caliber to shame! I’d say you should call for reinforcements when your enemies attack, but with Mandalorians on your side, I don’t think you’ll need them.

9. #66597 Super Battle Pack


66597 Super Battle Pack is TWO battle packs for the price of ONE! How awesome is that? Well, it would be a little bit more awesome, except it’s the First Order and not the classic Storm Troopers. While the subpar quality of the the final Star Wars trilogy did a number on the Order’s reputation, the set is saved by these totally awesome little Tatooine guys who for some reason are ready to THROWN DOWN against the remnants of the Empire. And look! They’ve even got a cute little R2-D2 looking droid with them! Extra points.

8. Galactic Empire Battle Pack


You can’t go wrong with the Galactic Empire Battle Pack. Three Storm Troopers (including one dude with some sweet red armor) and a tough looking pilot with some kinda crazy looking land vehicle. How does that lopsided thing even work? I dunno, but the asymmetry somehow makes it look even more threatening. Pair that with the stud shooting capabilities of the vehicle and you’ve got a surefire way to make your enemies turn tail. Not convinced? These Storm Troopers’ blasters are ALSO able to fire studs.

7. Rebel Trooper Battle Pack


Rebel Trooper Battle Pack features the brave soldiers of the Rebellion geared up for a cold weather assault! Don’t get me wrong, the laser shooting vehicle that comes with the set is cool and all, but it’s got NOTHING on the driver’s sick mustache. Look at that thing! It looks powerful enough to hold off an entire battalion of Storm Troopers! And look at its wearer’s expression! His raised eyebrows give off an aura of fearless contempt for the enemy. “If I can tame this mustache, what makes you think I can’t tame you?” I might be reading into things, but I believe that’s what his fearless LEGO eyes are saying.

6. Assassin Droid Battle Pack


Something about the Assassin Droid Battle Pack gives me the heebie-jeebies. It’s the silly design of the droids. Look at their ridiculous trash can-shaped heads! They look so laughable that I actually fear them more. I would be more afraid to meet a person clad in a chicken costume on the battlefield than I would someone in tactical gear. Tactical gear I expect. But a chicken costume? No sane person would wear that. They must be fearless. They must know something I don’t. The Assassin Droid’s weird looking heads give me a similar vibe. It’s sure to psych out your enemies too.

5. Clone Walker Battle Pack


Just look at this classic Clone walker in the Clone Walker Battle Pack! Such an iconic design! They would later inspire those freaky Imperial walkers that went stomping through the forests of Endor. Pair that with four badass Clone soldiers, each outfitted with different armor, and you have all the squad that you could ever need! And by the looks of it, the walker even has movable legs with which to mercilessly tread upon your enemy’s hope of victory!

4. Clone Trooper Battle Pack 7655


Fear the Clones! The Clone Trooper Battle Pack 7655 features two sweet rides: one big speeder with space for two Clones, and one smaller one with a mounted blaster. And who’s this last Clone? The guy with the red trim on his suit? He looks like the toughest of all. Why is his suit red? So it doesn’t look stained by all the Rebel blood he spills. He doesn’t need a vehicle. He just needs his two feet, his blaster, and his little battle purse. You know the Clones, they’re always about their fashion.

3. Imperial Trooper Battle Pack


The Imperial Trooper Battle Pack features the classic Imperial Walker that stomped all over the dreams of many a Rebel scum! And look! It has movable legs with which it can do more crushing! Pair that with the black and white Storm Troopers and you’ve got one of the most threatening battle packs in the arsenal. Those blasters you see in the hands of the Storm Troopers? Each one of them can shoot a stud, and so can the walker itself! A veritable barrage of LEGO lasers! Your enemies shall be routed for certain.

2. 66596 Super Battle Pack


The 66596 Super Battle Pack has everything that your vengeful, war mongering little heart could ever desire! It’s a two-for-one Light Side vs. Dark Side special that features two vehicles and two actual Jedi! Just look at that one Jedi warrior’s glorious phallus shaped head! With such manly charisma, victory for your forces is all but assured! But it will not be easily won, for each soldier on the battlefield holds in his hand a fearsome weapon: a blaster that shoots LEGO studs. Carnage will ensue. The flames of war will rise high into the night. But perhaps a strong leader like you can unite these two opposing forces in an alliance against your enemies!

1. Obi Wan vs General Grievous


Such fearsome armies! The forces of Light and Dark show their true battlefield might! But what generals shall lead them? The Obi-Wan vs General Grievous Battle Pack gives the answer. Two of the Galaxy’s most powerful warriors come together in one battle pack to end all battle packs! These warriors aren’t miniatures, but buildable giants fit to command legions! And look! Tremble at their movable arms and legs that can be manipulated in a thousand different positions of battle! While these two foes are ever at odds, perhaps they can learn to work together under a warrior they both respect: you.

Have a tip we should know?

Sarah Fimm
Sarah Fimm (they/them) is actually nine choirs of biblically accurate angels crammed into one pair of $10 overalls. They have been writing articles for nerds on the internet for less than a year now. They really like anime. Like... REALLY like it. Like you know those annoying little kids that will only eat hotdogs and chicken fingers? They're like that... but with anime. It's starting to get sad.

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