A Sequel to The Amazing Spider-Man is Already Set for 2014
and let it be known
Wow, Sony sure is confident about the success of The Amazing Spider-Man, isn’t it? Today they announced that a sequel to their reboot — which doesn’t come out for almost a year and doesn’t even have an official poster yet (just a teaser) — will be released on May 2, 2014. Look guys, the trailer was great and all, but doesn’t the phrase “counting chickens before they’re hatched” come to mind?
Not that I think The Amazing Spider-Man is going to be a massive flop, but it just seems hasty to go ahead and schedule this thing. (And yes, I am probably just being a Nervous Nellie.) True, the movie has been getting good buzz, but a mixed reaction from its trailer, which premiered at Comic Con. And apparently, the script they got from scribe James Vanderbilt — who was hired in March — satisfied the execs at Sony so much that they felt like this thing was in the bag. Here is a quote from one of those executives (who is unnamed):
“I think it speaks volumes about our confidence in what we are seeing on the new film and our desire to move quickly on the next installment.”
When it was first reported that Andrew Garfield was taking the spandex reins from Tobey Maguire, it was also revealed that his price tag was much lower and that there were options for two sequels (that included ever-doubling paychecks). Obviously, when a movie is made about an ongoing series, there is always potential for more stories to tell, so it’s not out of the ordinary to have sequels already in mind. But this one has a release date 11 months before the release of the original, which seems like a very faithful leap from a plane with a parachute that got great online reviews, but was never actually tested.
But we’ll see. Because we sure liked the trailer … ?
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