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The Internet Had a Great Time Roasting Katie Britt’s Unhinged State of the Union Response

Alabama Sen. Katie Britt delivering the Republican Party's response to Joe Biden's 2024 State of the Union address
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If you didn’t hang around after Joe Biden’s State of the Union address last night, then you missed (?) the worst post-credits scene of all time: the Republican Party’s official response, hosted by Katie Britt, live from a kitchen table. As you can probably guess, the internet had some great reactions.

I had never heard of Katie Britt until yesterday, but as a woman named Britt, I feel a responsibility to denounce this harbinger of many a Handmaid’s Tales to come. Katie Britt is a senator from Alabama and the winner of Republicans’ Next Top Model—i.e., she was chosen to deliver the party’s 17-minute response to Biden’s State of the Union. (Which was less an update on what America’s been up to and more like a list of promises Biden will not keep, but which we would all like to believe because it makes us feel better about having no choice but to vote for him in November.)

Seated at a kitchen table like a mom in a peanut butter ad or late-night infomercial for tax preparation software (numbers are so hard for my soft lady-brain!), Katie Britt delivered a bizarre monologue in which she was literally breathless on numerous occasions. Serious question: Was Katie Britt a publicist before she became a politician? She has That Vibe.

Katie Britt, who I refuse to address on a last-name basis, called Biden a “dithering and diminished leader” who doesn’t understand “what real families are facing around kitchen tables just like this one.” America’s “families are hurting,” according to Katie Britt, though she stopped short of specifying exactly how the current administration’s policies are hurting families. She did, however, ramble for several minutes about the border and violent immigrants, which is weird because I’m pretty sure that racist, misogynist white men with guns are the biggest threat to public safety, but GO OFF, QUEEN.

Anyway, here are some of the internet’s best responses to Katie Britt’s acting reel:

Under his eye!

(featured image: Screenshot / YouTube

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Britt Hayes
Britt Hayes (she/her) is an editor, writer, and recovering film critic with over a decade of experience. She has written for The A.V. Club, Birth.Movies.Death, and The Austin Chronicle, and is the former associate editor for ScreenCrush. Britt's work has also been published in Fangoria, TV Guide, and SXSWorld Magazine. She loves film, horror, exhaustively analyzing a theme, and casually dissociating. Her brain is a cursed tomb of pop culture knowledge.

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