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Here Are the Best Movies to Watch on 4/20

Happy Happy, Joy Joy

So I normally write more in my articles, but I’m guessing that if you’re here, you’re probably not in a state to read much of anything. Good on you—I’m currently nursing a cold, so let me live vicariously through you via these movie recs, and I’ll keep it brief so you don’t get sidetracked. If at any point your ass leaves your couch, I hope it returns to its point of origin soon.

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And on the off-chance you’re here for any other reason, I dunno, don’t be a narc I guess.

Honorable Mentions: Harold and Kumar, Cheech and Chong, Half-Baked, The Big Lebowski, and every other “classic weed movie”

Cheech and Chong from "Up in Smoke." Image: Paramount Pictures.

OBVIOUSLY these are classics for a reason, but I’m trying to be a little more inventive here. Banking on these, and only these, is like banking on the song “Because I Got High” by Afroman. It’s funny to you, but boring and annoying to the rest of us (looking at you, Guy Who’s Only Recently Discovered Weed).

Then again, you do you. I’m not one to judge.


In a row???

This cult classic is just so dry and absurd, yet so real at the end of the day. I have a strong memory of coming home after an awful day, loading Clerks, and rolling up, and my day did a complete 180. I was alone in my apartment wearing a bathrobe and fuzzy slippers, eating impeccable pad see ew, and cracking up until my lungs gave out. It’s just really, really good, and a lot of its more subtle jokes are lost on anyone who isn’t blasted.

Office Space

(uploaded by user RP)

Similar vibes as Clerks. Just a chill movie with good music. Plus Ron Livingston is, like, really hot.

Fast Food Nation

If, somehow, you never knew about Paul Dano before his performance as the Riddler, then you need to sit down and watch this ASAP. If you did know about Paul Dano beforehand, you’re my people. But still, sit down and watch this. It’s topical, political, and just plain cool.

Honestly, watch every Linklater movie today. They’re all good. I would have mentioned Dazed and Confused in its own category, but that woulda been too on-the-nose. Watch it, though. Definitely watch it.

What We Do In The Shadows

Full disclosure, I’ve only ever watched this movie high, and it’s the only movie that makes me cry laughing every time I watch it. It’s vampires, it’s Taika and Jemaine, it’s New Zealan—what more do you want?

My Octopus Teacher

Sometimes, you just need to zonk out and watch something cool and trippy. Underwater documentaries are great for that, what with the imagery and all. But add in a South African accent, declarations of love for an octopus, and a bangin’ score, and you’ll start questioning everything you ever knew about relationships and animals.

Unbelievable. Wowowowow.

Alice in Wonderland

As recommended by my mom, who was doing the mostest before most of you were even born. Respect the classics. Respect animation. Respect my mama. While you’re at it, go ask Alice, I think she’ll know.

King of the Hill

(Fresh Selects, Top Dawg Entertainment)

Not a movie, but inspired by one of my best friends, who used to be part of a King of the Hill club in college where a bunch of dudes would go to the projector room and binge King of the Hill for hours and hours with beers and blunts. Because why not.

Also the song above is technically not from the show, but it’s based on the show, and it’s a really, really good song + music video.

Big Lez

Same friend, different show. Click the link, it’s good for you. Keep autoplay on.

Space Jam

Don’t screw up and watch the new one. Classics only in this house.

Or, you know what? Watch both back to back. Get the full experience. Then mess up your psyche and watch Roger Rabbit IMMEDIATELY after. Godspeed.

Feels Good Man

This documentary kicks ass. God, I love cartoonists. Shoutout to all the cartoonists out there who are trying to make a living in this messed-up world.

Reclaim Pepe. I’ll always hate what happened to the poor guy. White supremacy is for losers, dorks, and cretins. Pepe is for the People.

Wet Hot American Summer

Gotta go out with a bang. This movie is absolutely batshit. If you haven’t watched it yet, get a box of tissues, because you’ll be laughing until all the water is drained from your body via your tearducts.

If nothing else, do it for Janeane Garofalo, the love of my life.

Add your own recs

What would you add to this list? What are you watching today? Let us know down below, and keep it growing as the day goes on. And don’t forget: Russian Doll Season 2 comes out today, so make sure to watch that, too.

(Featured Image: View Askew Productions)

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Madeline Carpou
Madeline (she/her) is a staff writer with a focus on AANHPI and mixed-race representation. She enjoys covering a wide variety of topics, but her primary beats are music and gaming. Her journey into digital media began in college, primarily regarding audio: in 2018, she started producing her own music, which helped her secure a radio show and co-produce a local history podcast through 2019 and 2020. After graduating from UC Santa Cruz summa cum laude, her focus shifted to digital writing, where she's happy to say her History degree has certainly come in handy! When she's not working, she enjoys taking long walks, playing the guitar, and writing her own little stories (which may or may not ever see the light of day).

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