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The BBC Is On a Roll, Nabs The Casual Vacancy For Exclusive Adaptation

This is just like magic!

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Well, that didn’t take long. JK Rowling‘s The Casual Vacancy, a global bestseller and the first adult book by the author, is being adapted for the small screen by the BBC. As of yet there’s no specific information on anyone who will be involved in the projectsave Rowling herself, whom the BBC reports “will collaborate closely with the project, with the number and length of the episodes to be decided once the creative adaptation process has formally begun.”

Given the book’s über-British setting—the small village of Pagford, proper and idyllic on the surface but roiling with conflict underneath—it’s no surprise that the BBC would snap it up. Rowling thinks it’s a good fit, too. Says the author, “I’m thrilled that the BBC has commissioned The Casual Vacancy. I always felt that, if it were to be adapted, this novel was best suited to television and I think the BBC is the perfect home.”

Danny Cohen, the controller for BBC One, is also excited for the adaptation (though of course he would be, if only for the cynical reason that his holiday bonus this year will likely be insane), stating that “This project highlights the ambition and scale of BBC One Drama, as well as the ability of modern television to attract the world’s biggest talent and most exciting creative ideas.”

The whole “biggest talent” thing refers to Rowling, of course, but it sent my mind off in the direction of casting. Specifically, who can Maggie Smith play? I’ve not read The Casual Vacancy, so I have no idea what sorts of character we’re looking at, but I want Smith to play someone.

(I want Maggie Smith to be in everything ever, basically. Is that so wrong?)

(Thanks, Tipster Jenni!)

Previously in Coming Soon(Ish) on the BBC

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