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Which Four Characters Are Being Upped to Series Regulars on The Walking Dead? And Do You Care?


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Following The Walking Dead‘s less-than-excellent season finale, quite a few people are on the fence about watching season four. I get it. Season three was pretty bad. But if you are planning to tune back in, you’re going to be seeing a lot more of certain secondary characters who have been given series regular status.

Unmarked spoilers lie beyond the cut for those who haven’t seen the finale.

Three of the characters in question are Chad Coleman (Tyrese), Sonequa Martin-Green (Sasha), and Emily Kinney (Beth). Tyrese’s promotion isn’t exactly surprising news, as he’s a pretty big character in the comics. He and Sasha showed promise in season three, so I look forward to seeing more of them in four. (If I decide not to leave TWD by the wayside, that is.) As for Beth, she’s… OK? I don’t much care either way there. What I want most is for Melissa McBride (Carol) to get added to the opening credits, honestly.

The fourth is Karen, the Woodbury resident who got adopted by the prison crew in the finale. This one holds more interest for me, since Karen is played by Melissa Ponzio, who is also the main character’s mom on Teen Wolf. (I’m addicted. I’ll admit that.) The Walking Dead and Teen Wolf both have pretty big casts; Ponzio isn’t in all the Teen Wolf episodes, and she probably won’t be in all the Walking Dead episodes, either. Plus The Walking Dead airs in the fall and Teen Wolf in the summer, so their shooting schedules probably don’t overlap that much. Don’t mind me, I’m just trying to talk myself out of panicking that something might happen to Scott’s mom because of Ponzio’s new gig. I would never forgive you, The Walking Dead. Never.

(via: blastr)

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