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There Was a Truly Awful Running Theme at the Second Republican Debate

GOP Debates hosted by Fox News featuring all candidates standing on the stage.
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One issue dominated the second Republican debate, and it was not (entirely about) racism or climate change denial. Instead, all the GOP candidates on stage took aim at the transgender community, with a focus on trans youth. Most of the candidates made it clear that they believed that being trans is not okay, and juxtaposed the act of transitioning with “mutilation.” These Republicans are coming after the bodily autonomy of transgender people, with some of these candidates already enacting anti-trans legislation in their home states.

(Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

Vivek Ramaswamy made it clear that “Transgenderism, especially in kids, is a mental health disorder. We have to acknowledge the truth.” He added, “It is not compassionate to affirm a child’s confusion.” Ramaswamy made his opposition to gender-affirming care clear, denying any underaged transgender person access to change their gender identity or access gender-affirming care, should their parents disagree. He even calls those who disagree with the Parental Bill of Rights (HR5) “hypocritical,” implying that the reason for elevated suicide rates among trans people is the transgender identity itself and not the hostile and unwelcoming environment created by transphobes. Under his theoretical administration, transgender children will be outed to their parents and forced to live with gender dysphoria.

(Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

Amidst the questions related to literacy and educational problems, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis blames “indoctrination” for the educational decline seen around the country. Instead of blaming the lack of funding for schools or overworked and underpaid teachers, the candidates shifted the blame onto “indoctrination [of the left]” and “denying parents rights.” This is the same man who was proud of banning diversity programs from being taught in Florida’s schools and universities.

(Win McNamee/Getty Images)

Former Vice President Mike Pence was asked about the prevention of LGBTQIA+ violence and deaths, and he responded with, “I’ll stand up for the safety and civil liberties of Americans of every background.” He does not tell us how, but he was more than willing to backtrack and answer the question for Doug Burgum on parental notification. “We’re going to stand up for the rights of parents and pass a federal ban on transgender chemical or surgical surgery anywhere in the country. We’ve got to protect kids from radical gender ideology agenda.” Aside from making a crude sexual joke about his wife who is a teacher, he said no more and sang the same promotional tune for the Parental Bill of Rights.

It’s clear that the priority isn’t to protect LGBTQIA+ people, who are nine times more likely to die than their cisgender heterosexual counterparts. On the contrary, the goal is to deprive children of gender-affirming care and deny them the privacy of their gender identity—a rather effective way to start a draconian crackdown on transgender people.

(featured image: screenshot/Fox News)

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Vanessa Esguerra
Vanessa Esguerra (She/They) has been a Contributing Writer for The Mary Sue since 2023. After graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Economy, she (happily) rejected law school in 2021 and has been a full-time content writer since. Vanessa is currently taking her Master's degree in Japanese Studies in hopes of deepening her understanding of the country's media culture in relation to pop culture, women, and queer people like herself. She speaks three languages but still manages to get lost in the subways of Tokyo with her clunky Japanese. Fueled by iced coffee brewed from local cafés in Metro Manila, she also regularly covers anime and video games while queuing for her next match in League of Legends.

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