Things We Saw Today: A Walnut That Looks Like Chewbacca
Things We Saw Today
Aug 13th, 2013, 5:03 pm
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Writes DeviantArt user Ripplin, “I have a huge black walnut tree in my backyard, and yesterday, I came across the remains from one of the nuts that bears a striking resemblance to a character we all love.” Just don’t eat it, it would probably make him angry. (via Cute Overload)
- The Frisky has a Q&A with transgender advocate Laverne Cox from Orange Is The New Black.
- Christina Hendricks told The Hollywood Reporter she’d like a role on HBO’s Game of Thrones. “I want to wear pelts and horns and ride around on horseback.” Yes, please. (via Vulture)
Her TARDIS corset opens to reveal…the inside of the TARDIS! Aaaaaamazing. Photo by DTJaaaam. (via Fashionably Geek)
- Caught In Between Good and Bad: Catwoman’s Feminism by Kaitlin Tremblay at Comic Book Resources.
- DC is going to start posting their full Cartoon Network shorts online soon!
- We mentioned this on Twitter this morning but one more signal boost for Liverpool Girl Geeks. They’re holding an event August 16th if you’re in the area.
PJ McQuade has created a monster. His name is Darth Heisenberg. (via Geekosystem)
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