Things We Saw Today: The Adorableness That Is the 12th Doctor Meeting Jo Grant AKA Katy Manning
We've time traveled, yes?
@ManningOfficial WOW #DoctorWho #PeterCapaldi #katymanning #johnpertwee
— Soufflé (@stellarycbar) September 27, 2014
Former Doctor Who cast member Katy Manning (companion to the third Doctor) dropped by the filming of the upcoming Christmas special and recreated some nostalgic moments with Peter Capaldi as the twelfth Doctor. There’s even more time periods colliding—which, really, is the Doctor’s specialty—where that came from. (via io9)
- A game dev is Kickstarting a game that he had to make with his feet. (via Polygon)
- Check your viewing schedule from October 19 through Halloween and make space for a marathon of glorious B horror movies perfectly skewered by Elvira, Mistress of the Dark herself on Hulu. (via Jezebel)
- Hate tropes? Love jokes? Read about the five types of female characters you’re likely to meet in horror movies. (via Styleite)
Beloved webcomic Nimona is soon coming to print form, and the cover art for the print volume is right here for your viewing pleasure! (via io9)
- Time Warner Cable has clarified that it doesn’t think men and women have different WiFi needs, but it still wants you to categorize your gender just for funsies. (via Gizmodo)
- Don’t let the female programmers behind today’s modern technology be forgotten. (via npr)
- The Star Wars Episode VII production tried to buy a drone detection system for paparazzi protection and failed. What is it with Star Wars and intricate systems for detection and defense, anyway? (via The Daily Dot)
And, of course, some amazing spaceporn. Were you expecting anything else? This is what our galaxy looks like rising over the Earth from the international space station. (via NASA)
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