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Things We Saw Today: Darth Princess Vader

Things We Saw Today

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Move along. (via Fashionably Geek

  • Yesterday, we brought you the story of the Michigan lawmakers who were banned from the House of Representatives for discussing abortion. We also mentioned the issue had caused some interesting things to happen on Twitter, namely users putting the word vagina in movie quotes. Well the team over at The Frisky put together a video of themselves giving a dramatic reading of said quotes. Must watch.
  • Update #1: Remember when we told you Max Page, mini-Darth Vader from the Volkswagon commercial, had to get heart surgery? You’ll be happy to hear it was a success! (via Yahoo)
  • Update #2: People freaked when they found out a prop head of George W. Bush was used in Game of Thrones so HBO and the creators had to release statements apologizing. Apparently that wasn’t enough for some people so they put out yet another statement. “We were deeply dismayed to see this and find it unacceptable, disrespectful and in very bad taste. We made this clear to the executive producers of the series who apologized immediately for this careless mistake. We condemn it in the strongest possible terms and have halted all future shipments of the DVDs, removed it from our digital platforms and will edit the scene for all future airings on any distribution domestic or international.” (via Collider)

Comic artist Ben Templesmith has joined Keep A Breast Cast to raise money for breast cancer. He joins 100 other artists for the Tokyo Love Show which had them do their particular brand of art on plaster casts from real women. Templesmith’s cast is from Starina Johnson and selling for $1,100. (via Robot 6)

  • Scottish comic writer Grant Morrison received a special honor from the Queen as part of her birthday celebration. He was awarded an MBE (Member of the Most Excellent British Empire) “for services to film and literature.” Kenneth Branagh got himself a knighthood too! (via The Beat)
  • Neil Gaiman wrote a wonderful (could it be anything else?) tribute to the late Ray Bradbury. (via io9)
  • In other news, comic writer Kurt Busiek offered to eat a bug as one of the incentives for funding Lea Hernandez’s Kickstarter for her sixth graphic novel, The Garlicks: Pandora Orange, Fail Vampire (a story about a vampire girl, for girls). Well now you have to donate.

And finally today…clever girl. (via Failbook)

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Jill Pantozzi
Jill Pantozzi is a pop-culture journalist and host who writes about all things nerdy and beyond! She’s Editor in Chief of the geek girl culture site The Mary Sue (Abrams Media Network), and hosts her own blog “Has Boobs, Reads Comics” ( She co-hosts the Crazy Sexy Geeks podcast along with superhero historian Alan Kistler, contributed to a book of essays titled “Chicks Read Comics,” (Mad Norwegian Press) and had her first comic book story in the IDW anthology, “Womanthology.” In 2012, she was featured on National Geographic’s "Comic Store Heroes," a documentary on the lives of comic book fans and the following year she was one of many Batman fans profiled in the documentary, "Legends of the Knight."

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