Things We Saw Today: A Light-Up Power Button Necklace
Things We Saw Today
The light of this pendant, manufactured by Adafruit (home of the awesome Limor Fried!), waxes and wanes just like the power indicators on your Mac or other applicable device. (Fashionably Geek)
Oh my goodness! I almost forgot to mention that The Mary Sue is six months old today! Jamie and I would like to thank each and every one of you for showing up, reading, commenting, Facebooking, Tweeting, and Tumblring, but that would probably take forever as we almost hit 1.5 million pageviews this month. (Hey, those links right there? they’re to our Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr, check them out!)
Rest assured that things will stay exciting on, with plenty of love for the fandoms that bring us together as well as you guys, the ones who read our paltry internet writings. (I mean, you should see the stuff we’ll be giving away soon…)
- National Geographic has a really interesting guide for countries that want to empower women to take their reproductive rights into their own hands, based on the history of Brazil… and it involves television, of all things. (Mental_Floss)
Here’s a useful book for all ages, perfect for “eliminating near-fatal encounters with notoriously short-tempered Wookiees while smoothing the way to lasting partnerships and friendships.” (GeekSugar)
- Speaking of Star Wars, what does George Lucas have to say about the revisions that George Lucas has made to subsequent formatting releases of Star Wars? The answer may surprise you. (Topless Robot)
And now that you’re mildly depressed, Cake Wrecks’ gallery of terrible looking Darth Vader cakes might cheer you up.
- Finally, CNN’s new Geek blog (who would have thought?) has a great article arguing very nicely that it’s absolutely ridiculous that we haven’t seen a modern Wonder Woman movie yet.
Have a tip we should know?