Things We Saw Today: The Easter Island Statues Have Bodies — Bodies
Things We Saw Today
May 11th, 2012, 4:57 pm
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Seriously, how did it take humans this long to realize that there might be bodies attached to those heads? Well, there are bodies attached to those heads, and here they are! (via Think Box)
So, are you a moviegoer? Are you getting confused by all the handsome, blond-haired, blue-eyed men named “Chris” who have been appearing on-screen? In the case of The Avengers, in the same movie? Well, The Frisky has a comprehensive guide for you.
A hint to other superheroes: this only works in movies. (via Bookoisseur)
And since I’m the one doing TWS Today, I’m going to take this little space to with my brother and fellow geek Dan a very happy birthday!
Have a tip we should know?