Things We Saw Today: My Little Pony Frida Kahlo
Things We Saw Today
This is the work of Mari Kasurinen, who fashions MLP dolls, “gender free objects made of plastic and fake hair,” into lots of lovely things. (Neatorama)
Service Update: If you experience an interruption in your regular The Mary Sue service this weekend, it is because the editors of the site live in the path of Hurricane Irene, and we might be without power. In fact, Susana’s apartment building is part of the first mandatory evacuation in New York City history, so it’s an honor to be part of such a historical event. We’ll try to keep the hot tap of internet fandom running for you to the best of our ability.
Beads: the perfect accessory for a stylish companion during those sticky summer months. (Diary of a Death Starlette)
- How come only the Brits get a theatrical rerelease of Jurassic Park!? (Empire)
Baby Bender Arigumi. <3 (Technabob)
And now… DC Comics.
- DCWomenKickingAss has a tribute to the end of Oracle.
- DC still seems confused as to whether they want Wonder Woman to have pants. (Bleeding Cool)
And Dan Didio gets surprisingly real (Comics Alliance):
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